A bored God creates the world, hoping for a little worship. Adam and Eve appear in a dark paradise. An uneasy romance takes place between the empty seats of the theatre. Lady Eats Apple is a journey through an impressive dream landscape. The Australian Back to Back Theatre's ensemble mixes the comedy of existence with the tragedy of our inevitable death. After the success of Ganesh Versus the Third Reich, performed in the Netherlands in 2012, the group is back with their biggest production yet. They explore the contradictions of human existence in their own inflatable theatre. Programme
Sat June 24 2017 8:30 PM
Sun June 25 2017 3:00 PM
Sun June 25 2017 8:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
With Lady Eats Apple, the Australian group Back to Back Theatre will be making its debut at the Holland Festival. The performance is one of the most ambitious and spectacular productions that the group has made in the course of its thirty-year history. The spark that led to the creation of Lady Eats Apple came from Simon Laherty, one of the actors from the Back to Back Theatre ensemble.