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What would have happened if in the early 1960’s the postmodern dancers of the Judson Church in New York’s West Village had travelled up to visit the ballrooms of Harlem, the home of voguing? This is the challenging question that New York choreographer Trajal Harell poses in this dance performance. He answers not with a historical reconstruction, but with a contemporary confrontation between these two very different styles which emerged in the same city around the same time. Together with two other dancers, Harrell creates a fascinating dialogue between the improvising, non-theatrical school of postmodern dance and the exuberant, stylized movements of voguing. An encounter which, 50 years on, offers exciting new possibilities.


choreography Trajal Harrell dance Trajal Harrell, Thibault Lac, Ondrej Vidlar costume design complexgeometries sound Trajal Harrell international distribution & production Key Performance coproduction Tanz im August, MoMA PS1, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Danspace Project, Platform 2012: Judson@50 commissioned by MoMA’s Wallis Annenberg Fund for Innovation in Contemporary Art, ‘Danspace Project’s 2012–2013 Commissioning Initiative with the support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Annenberg Foundation

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