When can I watch the stream The Bird of a Thousand Voices?
The stream can be watched from 00:01 am on 28 February until 11:59 pm on 2 March (CET).
After this time, the stream will no longer be available. So start watching on time.
Check the date and time in your time zone here.
On which screens can I watch the video?
In principle, the video can be played on any screen: on your PC, laptop, phone or tablet. For the most optimal theatre experience, we recommend using the largest screen possible, or for example by connecting your laptop to a television.
What do I need to watch the stream?
You need a few things to watch the streams:
- A device to watch the stream on. Preferably a tablet, laptop or PC, but the stream can also
be watched on a smartphone.
- The following browsers are usable: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla
and Firefox. For an optimal viewing experience, we recommend using the latest version
of the browser.
- A good internet connection. Via a fixed cable works best, but via wifi or 4G is also possible.
- The access link. You will find this on the ticket you received.
Where can I find the link to watch the stream?
The link is on your ticket sent to the e-mail address you used to buy a ticket.
Check if the mail might have ended up in your spam folder. The subject of the email is 'Order confirmation' and the sender is [email protected].
In the mail, click on the pink button 'VIEW ORDER'. You will then be linked to your account within the ticket sales environment.
Then, under 'Order', click on the brown button 'Download Tickets' to the right of the stream you ordered.
Then go to the Downloads folder on your computer and open the relevant pdf.
Finally, click on the pink button 'Click here and watch' in the pdf. You will then be linked to the stream environment.
Can I switch devices while watching the video?
You can, just make sure you copy and paste the url from the email into the desired device in the desired browser.
Can I watch the video from abroad?
Yes, this is possible.
Which browsers are suitable for viewing the video?
The following browsers are usable: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Mozillaand Firefox. For an optimal viewing experience, we recommend using the most recent version of the browser.
How can I cast to Chromecast from the Google Chrome browser?
Make sure your laptop, tablet or mobile you are watching the stream with is connected to the same wifi network as your Chromecast.
Open the show in the latest version of the Google Chrome browser.
Then click on the icon with three dots at the top right of the Chrome window.
Go to the cast menu and select the Chromecast device to cast to.
How do I cast to Apple TV, or an Airplay-enabled TV from the video player?
Make sure your laptop, tablet or mobile you are watching the show on is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your Apple TV, or an Airplay-enabled TV.
Open the show in the Safari browser.
When you're on the right network, you'll see an AirPlay icon at the bottom right of the video player. Click on the icon and select your Apple TV to cast to.
Does the icon not appear in the player? Then try to cast via the operating system MacOS or iOS.
How can I cast to Chromecast from the video player?
Make sure your laptop, tablet or mobile you are watching the show on is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast.
Open the show in the latest version of the Google Chrome browser.
When you are on the right network, you will see a Chromecast icon at the bottom right of the video player. Click on the icon and select your Chromecast to cast to.
Does the icon not appear in the player? Then try to cast via the Google Chrome browser itself.
The video does not play, what now?
First check that you have accepted the cookies. If the video does not start by itself, see if you can click 'play' yourself.
What should I do if I get no image or the image freezes?
It is often enough to refresh the page. This can be done via F5 on the keyboard (Windows) or Command ⌘ + R (Mac). You can often also find an icon (round arrow) in the browser to refresh the page. Click the 'start video' button and then the play button to start the video.
If the video still doesn't work properly, you can try the following options:
- Check the access link. Is it the correct link from the confirmation email?
- Check your browser and whether it has been updated recently.
Suitable browsers are Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla and Firefox.
- Check that your device's battery is sufficiently charged.