The silent film classic, Fritz Lang’s Der müde Tod (1921), is accompanied live by George Benjamin on the piano. This expressionist and romantic film, also known internationally as Destiny, follows several tragic storylines, including that of a woman who wants to be reunified with her dead husband. George Benjamin, the composer in focus at this year’s festival, has been accompanying silent films since his student days. He says it taught him a lot that was later useful as an opera composer. His approach is to avoid the clichés of film music, react as spontaneously as he can to the images – preferably without any prior knowledge of the film – and sometimes apply contrasting colours. The Pathé Tuschinski cinema, which opened in 1921, is the perfect place to see the creative process of one of the greatest composers of our age in action.
Sat June 16 2018 9:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
‘Believe me: my task is a heavy one. It’s a curse. To see people suffer and be hated for my obedience to God has made me weary.’ These words are spoken by Death, a tired old man who does his job