Dear Esther is being hailed as one of the most innovative computer games of the last ten years. The game is poetic, symbolic and understated, and explores themes such as love, loss and redemption. A walk through the beautiful deserted landscape of an uninhabited island in the Scottish Hebrides is mysteriously connected with a traumatic car accident and an existential crisis. Brought to the stage – both the game and the music are played live – the video game takes on new and unexpected musical theatre aspects. Jessica Curry’s cinematic music plays a big role in the dreamy, desolate atmosphere and makes the beautiful natural landscapes even more scintillating. Together with Oikospiel II: Heat Cantata, Dear Esther is one of two works exploring live video games as music theatre.
Sun June 24 2018 8:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
Dear Esther. The morning after I was washed ashore, salt in my ears, sand in my mouth and the waves always at my ankles, I felt as though everything had conspired to this one last shipwreck.