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Tiago Rodrigues based his piece on the stories of aid workers in disaster areas. His pure, sincere approach makes for an intense, empathic experience of an extreme reality that most of us only know from the news.

Dans la mesure de l'impossible, ‘So far as to be impossible'… - this is how far the stories go of the Red Cross and Doctors without Borders humanitarian aid workers, that director Tiago Rodrigues spoke with to create his piece. It is also the length to which the aid workers will go to make a difference. 

Rodrigues is known for his sincere, simple and poetic way of storytelling. Four actors directly address the audience, telling personal stories about experiences in the field in French, English and Portuguese (with suritles). Their emotions, doubts and considerations illustrate the sharp divide between their mission and resignation, between their safe lives back home and the profound misery of the impossible world they work in.

The set and music are a marvel of simplicity, with subtle shifts very naturally altering their form and meaning. A staggeringly humane piece that hovers between two worlds, between living and surviving, between the possible and impossible...

‘The proximity of suffering, danger and violence, but also of human dignity and resilience, gives them access to a way of reading the world that we’re incapable of.’

- Tiago Rodrigues

  • Dans la mesure de l'impossible

    © Dougados Magali

  • Tiago Rodrigues

    © Filipe Ferreira







  • © Luz Soria

  • © Luz Soria

  • © Luz Soria

  • © Luz Soria


text Tiago Rodrigues direction Tiago Rodrigues cast Adrien Barazzone, Beatriz Brás, Baptiste Coustenoble, Isabelle Caillat music performed by Gabriel Ferrandini corrector English Thomas Resendes stage design Laurent Junod, Wendy Tokuoka, Laura Fleury music Gabriel Ferrandini light design Rui Monteiro sound Pedro Costa artistic collaboration Magda Bizarro costumes Magda Bizarro assistent director Lisa Como production Comédie de Genève coproduction Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe, Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Équinoxe – scène nationale de Châteauroux, CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG – Udine, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Théâtre National de Bretagne-Rennes, Théâtre de Strasbourg – scène européenne, CDN Orléans, La Coursive Scène nationale de la Rochelle footwear CICR-Comité international de la Croix-Rouge, MSF-Médecins sans frontières