Birds With Skymirrors springs from Lemi Ponifasio’s encounter on the South Pacific island of Tarawa – a vision of frigate birds carrying glittering liquid mirrors in their mouths. The Samoan director and choreographer later learned that these skymirrors were deadly strips of plastic video tape fished from the polluted ocean. Rather than preaching environmental politics, in Birds With Skymirrors Lemi Ponifasio addresses with a rich and solemn dignity our relationship with Earth. Performed by MAU, Ponifasio’s New Zealand based Company, Birds With Skymirrors is neither dance nor theatre, but a distinctive stage language, ceremonial, taut with concentration, and executed with masterful precision.
Fri June 3 2011 10:00 PM
Sat June 4 2011 10:00 PM
Sun June 5 2011 10:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)