Why do we remember trivial things like the tune of an old television advert but not our own telephone number? In the autobiographical solo 887 (the house number of his family home) theatrical magician Robert Lepage examines how our memory functions. With his cinematic, immersive theatre-making style, Lepage transports the audience to his childhood in the Québec City of the 1960s. He himself performs on stage, next to an impressive scale model of his childhood home, and tells about a family’s struggle to emerge from the working class and about his coming out, and he connects these stories to Québec’s liberation struggle. Lepage’s theatre is intimate, melancholic, and moving. Programme
Fri June 16 2017 8:00 PM
Sat June 17 2017 8:00 PM
Sun June 18 2017 3:00 PM
Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)
The Canadian theatre maker Robert Lepage has made his name since the 1990s with performances acclaimed for their vision and technical innovation. Lepage's theatre is usually packed with innovative theatre techniques, epic stories and appealing