Tunde Jegede
Tunde Yegede (1972, Great Britain) is an English composer, multi-instrumentalist and producer of Nigerian descent. At ten years old, he went to West Africa to learn to play the kora (a string instrument). He studied cello at the London Guildhall School of Music. In 1995, he wrote the music for a BBC documentary about Africa, which he performed with London Sinfonietta. Apart from his work for classical ensembles, he is also a jazz musician. His group The Jazz Griots plays music with influences from Africa and music from the African diaspora. The images projected live make the concerts of his African Classical Music Ensemble a multimedia spectacle.
Major works
1995 Malian Royal Court Music
2014 Heritage
2018 The Emidy Project (Odyssée d'un esclave musicien)
Past events
music |Het Concertgebouw - Grote zaal