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2011 will be the first year that Toonzetters joins the Holland Festival. Ten works that premièred in 2010 are put on the longlist for the award of best Dutch composition of 2010. A selection of the best works on this list will be performed in a special concert in the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. The concert will be rounded off with the Buma Toonzetters award ceremony, the winner being chosen by an international professional jury. Toonzetters is an initiative to acquaint the Dutch public with new work by Dutch composers or composers living in The Netherlands. You might just happen to be one of the first lucky few to hear a major new work setting the tone for the future of Dutch and international music.

  • © Co Broerse


organisation Buma Cultuur, Muziek Centrum Nederland in participation with Holland Festival Jury Buma Toonzetters Award Lucas Vis, Andrew Kurowski, David Pay, Rainer Pöllman, Tadeusz Wielecki