What is the relationship between sex, fear and music? The Spanish director Calixto Bieito and the British Heath Quartet bring tragicomic musical theatre about melancholy and burnout. Several important philosophical works are Bieito’s sources of inspiration, like The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621), an essay by Robert Burton, Platform (2003) by Michel Houellebecq and The Concept of Anxiety by Søren Kierkegaard. Four string players and four actors on stage reconstruct the melody of melancholy in a staging full of insanity, creativity and music. This show doesn’t have the cure, but you will feel better after seeing it.
Wed June 13 2018 10:30 PM
Thu June 14 2018 10:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (geen pauze)
The following important philosophical works are Bieito’s sources of inspiration:
The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621), an essay by Robert Burton,
Our Need of Consolation is Insatiable (2014) by Stig Dagermann,
Sleet: Selected Stories (2013) by Stig Dagerman,
My Age of Anxiety (2014) by Scott Stossel,
Wanting to Die (1981) by Anne Sexton,
Platform (2003) by Michel Houellebecq,
LOVE, LOVE - Unreconciled: Poems 1991-2013 (2017) by Michel Houellebecq,
The Noonday Demon (2002) by Andrew Solomon,
The Concept of Anxiety by Søren Kierkegaard