Otemba - Daring Women
Misato Mochizuki, Jan van den Berg, Janine Brogt, New European Ensemble
- # kunstoverkunst
- # (her)story
- # (post)traditional
Founded in 2009 in The Netherlands, NEuE gathers dedicated and passionate musicians from across Europe. Their joint mission is to present a contemporary repertoire of classical music to a wide audience in a gripping and accessible manner, putting an accent on the necessity to understand musical tradition as a whole. To that end, the group is known to often combine new and old music with other mediums, ranging from film and literature to theatre, dance, or visual art. Throughout the years, NEuE has collaborated with an eclectic array of people, artist or not, such as Edward Snowden, Boris van der Ham, Nick Verstand, DeFrame, Opera2Day, Het Nationale Theater (Netherlands National Theatre), Amnesty International, The International Criminal Court and War Child.
In 2019, the NEuE was awarded the prestigious Kersjesprijs recognising ‘10 years of achievement at the highest level presenting contemporary music to a wide audience in a gripping and accessible way.’