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Meriç Artaç


Composer Meriç Artaç (Istanbul 1990) is active in many fields. As a composer, she aims to connect with other forms of art, like dance, film and theatre. She has a range of interdisciplinary productions to her name and distinguishes herself with her social engagement.

Artaç studied composition at Codarts Rotterdam: University of the Arts with Peter-Jan Wagemans and René Uijlenhoet. Since 2016, she has been the artistic leader of the AKOM Ensemble in Rotterdam, which performs work from young composers with the greatest care while also striving to get new audiences interested in contemporary composed music. Besides the AKOM Ensemble, Meriç has worked as a composer with Asko|Schönberg and the Doelen Ensemble. The latter ensemble awarded her the Rotterdamse School Compositon Award in 2017. Her work was also performed during the msterdam Music Theatre Days, the Gaudeamus Music Week and the International Bodrum Music Festival. 

Past events

  1. 2025

    music | Station Amsterdam Centraal