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Meg Stuart


Meg Stuart had her breakthrough in 1991 with her first full evening-length piece Disfigure Study at the Klapstuk festival in Leuven. In this choreography, Stuart presents her unique movement language, focusing on distorted bodies and body parts. Her next piece, No Longer Readymade (1993) was another big success. After touring it around Europe. Stuart founded her own company Damaged Goods in 1994. She took the name from one of the first reviews for Disfigure Study: 'Everyone on stage is shown as damaged goods,' wrote Burt Supree in The Village Voice. Stuart identified with this description of her work. Her choreographies are not focused on virtuosity, but rather on failure, on imperfection and maybe most of all on human insecurity. In the 1990's Stuart created a series of innovative dance performances with her company, characterised by a critical take on tired conventions in dance, an approach described by some – either in admiration or disapproval - as anti-dance. The response to Stuart's work varied greatly, but the fact that it provoked such strong reactions is evidence of its power. Stuart's rising fame and her growing body of work led to collaborations with various groups and artists. Her choreographies develop an increasingly strong multidisciplinary character. For each performance she looked for new forms of presentation. In 1997, she became resident artist at the Kaaitheater in Brussels. From there, she toured the world with her performances. Between 2000 and 2004. Stuart was artist in residence at the Zurich Schauspielhaus and between 2005 and 2010 at the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Berlin. Currently, Stuart has an on-going collaboration with the Berlin HAU Hebbel am Ufer. At the invitation of intendant Johan Simons, Meg Stuart & Damaged Goods will be collaborating with the Ruhrtriennale from 2015 to 2017. In 20012, the Holland Festival presented her perfomance ALIBI, an intense exploration of violence and extremism, described by some as 'the first post 9/11 choreography'. In 2004, she performed in Forgeries, Love and Other Matters, a trio with Benoît Lachambre and musician Hahn Rowe. This season, Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods is touring with Built to Last (2012), An evening of solo works (2013), Sketches/Notebook (2013), Hunter (2014) and UNTIL OUR HEARTS STOP (2015).

Past events

  1. 2016

    dance |De Brakke Grond
  2. 2004

    dance |Theater Bellevue - Grote zaal
  3. 2002

    dance |KIT Tropenmuseum Lichthal