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Kurt Van der Elst

Lisaboa Houbrechts


Lisaboa Houbrechts (1992) writes and directs theatrical works on the intersection of visual art, opera and text theatre. Houbrechts evokes history and the classical repertoire through rituals and shows humankind in a chain of passions. Her pieces are baroque, bold, but also playful and disarming. ‘Mesmerizing and daring theatre,’ is how De Morgen described the immersive spectacle Bruegel (2019). Together with composer and saxophonist Fabrizio Cassol, Lisaboa Houbrechts created the opera I Silenti (2021) about the underexposed Roma genocide during the Second World War, which she linked with Monteverdi’s madrigals about war and love. Houbrechts is currently writing a trilogy, of which Grandpa Puss; or how god disappeared, a laGeste production, is the first part. The two dance companies from Ghent, les ballets C de la B and kabinet k have decided to join forces and will continue their work under a new name: laGeste. Lisaboa Houbrechts has been a regular creator at Toneelhuis since 2022 and is part of a collective in charge of the artistic direction of Toneelhuis in Antwerp.


2016 Master’s Drama at the School of Arts | KASK Gent

Major work

2019 Bruegel

2021 I Silenti

Past events

  1. 2023

    theatre | Internationaal Theater Amsterdam - Rabozaal