Hungarian independent theatrical company Maladype Theatre treats the Holland Festival audience to an original performance of Georg Büchner’s 19th century masterpiece Leonce & Lena. On the surface Büchner’s play is a romantic comedy about a prince and a princess who oppose their arranged marriage, but underneath lurks a biting satire on the German upper classes. Under the direction of Zoltán Balázs the company prepared four versions for each scene. During each performance the audience determines with the director which scenes will be played. Using bamboo sticks, the actors set up each scene, creating props such as canoe paddles, phalluses, a bed and a cross. An inspired indictment of petty bourgeois apathy.
Thu January 6 2011 9:30 PM
Tue June 7 2011 10:32 PM
Wed June 8 2011 10:30 PM
Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)