Exempted from inheritance tax
You normally leave a legacy to the Stichting Vrienden van het Holland Festival (Friends of the Holland Festival Foundation). This foundation is exempt from inheritance tax due to its ANBI* status. This means that your inheritance will entirely benefit Holland Festival.
bank account number NL86RABO 0153 2793 62
fiscal code (RSIN) 8071.93.823
read more: ANBI data
* Public Benefit Organisation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling)

legacy giving
legacy giving
Holland Festival is 78 years old. It wants to continue offering different perspectives for at least as many years to come. By including the festival in your will, you make it possible for audiences to enjoy an expanded view of the world, also in the distant future.

Why including the Holland Festival in your will?
The Holland Festival gives international artists a stage that illuminates the issues of our time. Diverse productions address current issues such as climate, identity, gender or institutional racism - themes that concern us all, no one excepted. The Holland Festival wants to continue along this path, give space to a multitude of perspectives, and continue to show groundbreaking art that moves and unsettles and leads to new insights.
You can help ensure that future generations will also have plenty of food for thought.

Three scenarios, for inspiration
N. (48), consultant: 'When we bought a house eight years ago, we immediately had a will drawn up. My partner was the one who wanted to include the Holland Festival in it - he dragged me along to the most fantastic performances from the beginning of our relationship. To be honest, at first I thought: is that necessary? Now I think very differently. Culture is vulnerable. The Holland Festival with its unique, international offering is more than worthy of our support. Other people invest in their children, we invest in the future of culture.'
read more

How does it work?
There are different ways to leave a legacy to Holland Festival. This can be done through an inheritance or a bequest. This is done with a notary who sets up a deed which accurately describes what you will be leaving to Holland Festival, and under which conditions. Good to know: this used to be possible via a codicil, but this is no longer legally valid. It is also possible to make a donation in memory of a loved one.
Would you like more information? Request the brochure by e-mail.

Specific wishes or questions?
If you have specific wishes or questions, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to discuss the possibilities and your requirements with you.
Mathilde Smit, Development director
tel. +31 - (0)20 - 788 21 18
e-mail [email protected]

"The Holland Festival shows art that would otherwise not be seen in the Netherlands, for its form, complexity or whatever. Surprising art that is never mainstream. Adventurous art that is allowed to chafe and doesn't shy away from taboos. In doing so, you create awareness and perhaps even mutual understanding. The Holland Festival provides food for thought. I grant that to everyone, also in the future."
- Emily Ansenk, general director Holland Festival