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Address: Leidseplein 26, 1017 PT Amsterdam

Wheelchair spaces
ITA is easily accessible for wheelchair users. There are adapted lifts and space is reserved in the halls for wheelchair users and their companions. Please always book these reserved seats by phone with ITA's box office +31 (0)20 624 23 11 so that we can guarantee they will be available to you. For safety reasons, mobility scooters are not allowed. For transport to the halls, you can use a loaner wheelchair. For people with mobility problems, it is good to know that there is still a reasonable distance to cover on foot from the lift to the Rabo Hall.

Hearing aid

Special hearing amplification is available in both halls. There is no extra charge for this.  You can pick up (and return) the device from the guest person in the info hall. We ask you to leave a pledge (can be any card with at least your name on it) when you pick it up. Upon returning, you will receive the collateral back.

Toilet facilities

Adapted toilets are available.

Accessibility & parking

Unfortunately, there is no dedicated space (yet) as Leidseplein and Marnixstraat are car-free. Q-Park Europarking has two wheelchair-friendly parking spaces. You can reserve a spot here and then it's about a 10-minute walk to ITA. Should people come by taxi, they can be dropped off at the corner of Marnixstraat and Leidsekade.

Amsterdam residents with a National Parking Permit (LPO) or European Disabled Parking Permit (EGP) can park for free in the wheelchair-friendly parking spaces. A day pass is available for visitors to the city. This can be collected from Cition Parking Management. Overview of disabled parking spaces in Amsterdam.

Assistance dogs

Trained guide dogs and (SOHO) assistance dogs are welcome, provided you report their arrival in advance to ITA's box office +31 (0)20 624 23 11.

Need assistance with your visit?

Guests can contact ITA's box office on 020 - 624 2311 Mon-Sat 13:00 - 18:00 ([email protected]) There are 3 wheelchairs available that can be used and the audience service room attendants can ensure that guests are seated in the right place.


Questions about your visit?
Check here for up-to-date information on accessibility at ITA.

Not all disabilities are visible; some are hidden and not immediately recognisable, such as learning disabilities, mental health problems and mobility, speech, visual or hearing impairments. Wearing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower keycord discreetly alerts people (including staff, colleagues and carers) that one may need extra support, help or a little more time. ITA supports this initiative and our staff are ready to (re)recognise wearers of the keycord, making their experience during a visit extra nice.