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As a Guardian of the Holland Festival, you experience the festival up close and you get to speak to the creators. When artists and visitors meet, extraordinary and new conversations arise.

With your support, the festival can present iconic shows that will be spoken about for decades to come. Thanks to your contribution of € 1,500 a year, the festival can take on a leading position and make adventurous choices.

We will gladly thank you for your support, with

·       priority at ticket sales, this year from 18 March,
·       € 5 discount on every first ticket for each show and € 2,50 discount
        on every next ticket for the same show*,
·       inclusion of your name on the website (if so desired),
·       four complimentary tickets*, it is also possible to forego free tickets in
        order to give extra support to the festival
·       an invitation for yourself and a guest to: 
   -        the annual city trip (at own expense): a visit to a festival-related performance,
            surrounded by an extensive afternoon programme in that city, together with
            Governors and Friends of the Heart. There is limited space and the order of registration
            of Guardians is decisive,
   -        the festive launch of the programme in spring,
   -        the opening performance and the festive reception afterwards,
   -        the Friends performance and drinks afterwards,
   -        the festive After-Summer Reception, and
   -        a backstage tour.

* Certain shows are excluded from this offer: productions by Dutch National Opera, Dutch National Ballet, Atlas Orkest, When We Were Trees.
The price per ticket, including the discount, may not drop below € 15.

Donating to a cultural institution or charity
Holland Festival has the status of a cultural ANBI*. A donation to an organisation with an ANBI status can be deducted from taxable income as a gift. The amount that you are permitted to deduct depends on the type and size of the gift. Good to know: gifts to several organisations with an ANBI status can be added together. Use this calculator to look at the fiscal benefit in your specific situation.

* Public Benefit Organisation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling)

Read more: Fiscal benefits and Giving Act (Geefwet)

join now

Stef Paijens
tel. 020 - 788 21 14
e-mail [email protected]


R.F. van den Bergh
S. Brada
Frans and Dorry Cladder-van Haersolte
Gerard Dekker
J. Docter and E. van Luijk
L. Dommering-van Rongen
Guy Driebeek
Philip J.J. Drost en Youri Zomerdijk
Jolanda Drukker Murray
Marianne Eisma
E.L. Eshuis

Carolien Gehrels en Fina Hilverts
Emmerique Granpré Moliere
S. Haringa
Meike Hartelust & Just In 't Velt
Mabel en Jeroen van Hessen-Ansenk
Jeroen van Ingen
Luuk H. Karsten*
Paul and Saskia Laseur
Ton and Jannie Liefaard-van Dijk
A. van der Linden-Taverne
Jan Willem Meeuwis
E. Merkx
H. Nagtegaal
Paul Nielen and Vera Wiersema
Sijbolt Noorda and Mieke van der Weij
Ben Noteboom
Henriette van Notten
G. van Oenen
Pim and Antoinette Polak
Joanne Schouten and Kay Bing Oen*
Lisette Schuitemaker and Jos van Merendonk
Ingeborg Snelleman and Arie Vreugdenhil*

Mai Spijkers
Eelco van der Stok and Sophie Koole
P. Wakkie
Martine Willekens
O.L.O. and Tineke de Witt Wijnen-Jansen Schoonhoven
Guardians who wish to stay anonymous.

* extra contribution