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In 2010 the Holland Festival Board of Governors was founded. The generous, multi-year support of the Governors not only consists of a financial component. With their expertise, active involvement and network they contribute significantly to the success of the Holland Festival.

The Governors are the festival’s director’s circle. They are the first to receive important information, ins & outs from behind the scenes and enjoy special privileges. During receptions and presentations throughout the year and in the festival the Governors are invited to meet the Holland Festival artists and special guests.

Donating to a cultural institution or charity
Holland Festival has the status of a cultural ANBI*. A donation to an organisation with an ANBI status can be deducted from taxable income as a gift. The amount that you are permitted to deduct depends on the type and size of the gift. Good to know: gifts to several organisations with an ANBI status can be added together. Use this calculator to look at the fiscal benefit in your specific situation.

* Public Benefit Organisation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling)

Read more: Fiscal benefits and Giving Act (Geefwet)

Mathilde Smit, Development director
tel. +31 (0)20 788 21 18
e-mail [email protected]

Ronald Bax and Frank Lunenburg
Rob Defares
Arent Fock
J. Kat and B. Johnson
Françoise van Rappard-Wanninkhof
M. Sanders
Tom de Swaan
Governors who wish to stay anonymous.