Admiror €55 per year
Young benefactor €250 per year
Benefactor €250 per year
Would you like to donate a larger (collective) gift?
Please contact Stef Paijens:
tel. 020 - 788 21 14
e-mail [email protected]
Donating to a cultural association or a charity
Holland Festival has the status of a cultural ANBI*. A gift to an organisation with an ANBI status can de deducted from the taxable income as a gift. The amount that you are permitted to deduct depends on the type and size of the gift. Good to know: gifts to several organisations with an ANBI status can be added together. Use the calculator to look at the fiscal benefit in your specific situation.
read more: fiscal benefits and Gifting Act (Geefwet)
* Public Benefit Organisation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling)