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Garin Nugroho


The work of the Indonesian director Garin Nugroho (1961, Yogyakarta) is characterised by a multitude of styles and genres. Among other things, Nugroho has made short films, documentaries, feature films, film essays, and children’s films, but his work also encompasses musical theatre, installation art, and painting. His visual art was shown at exhibitions for the Louis Vuitton Gallery in Paris, the Haus der Kunst in Munich, and the National Gallery of Indonesia in Jakarta. He also writes columns and reviews for the Indonesian newspaper Kompas and has published books on Indonesian art, television, and cinema. Nugroho’s films are praised internationally and were featured, among others, at film festivals from Cannes to Berlin. The Tropenmuseum Amsterdam commissioned him to adapt his film Opera Jawa (shown at the International Film Festival Rotterdam in 2007) into a musical theatre piece. His recent film Memories of My Body premiered at the Venice film festival in 2018 and received various awards, including those for best film at the Festival des 3 Continents (Nantes) and the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. Nugroho made his debut at the Holland Festival with Setan Jawa in 2017. Nugroho has received various awards, such as the Cultural Ambassador Award bestowed on him by the Sultan of Yogyakarta. He furthermore won the Indonesian President Habibie Culture Award and the Italian Stella d’Atelerie Cavalerie award. In 2016, the French minister of culture appointed him Chevalier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres. 

Past events

  1. 2020

    film |HF Digital
  2. 2017

    context |De Balie - Salon
  3. film |Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ