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BOG. makes philosophical, language-related and musical performances about the essential issues affecting everyone’s lives. In every performance, BOG. attempts to transcend their own perspective, to put themselves in other people’s shoes and offer the audience a broader perspective on what it means to be human. BOG. makes uncompromising, singular and open theatre for people of today, working from the conviction that we must seek what connects us as people without losing sight of the value of difference. BOG. makes theatre by speaking with experts, peer advisors and its 350 members. By involving a multiplicity of subjective experiences, they endeavour to aim the most objective look possible at the subject at hand. BOG. has already won awards for its productions, among them BOG. een poging het leven te herstructureren. (KBC Jong Theatre Award, 2013) MEN. de mening herzien (BNG Nieuwe Theatermakersprijs, 2015), KID. (Zilveren Krekel 2018) and Iemand die slaapt. Het Zuidelijk Toneel makes and plays in the here and now. As a cartographer of its own time, under the leadership of artistic director Piet Menu, HZT developed into a unique company: committed, innovative and always focused on the themes of 'the other' and 'being different'. HZT sets up theatrical meetings that stimulate the audience to look at the world differently. With their theatre the company wants to bring together different ages, genders, identities, classes and professions, artists and non-artists. Through collaborations and co-productions with all kinds of organizations in Brabant, the Netherlands and abroad, they give shape to that conversation.

Past events

  1. 2020

    music theatre, theatre | HF Digital