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As a Benefactor, you are a Friend of Holland Festival and you experience the festival from nearby, even backstage. Immerse yourself in the artists' stories. With your support, the festival can present iconic shows that will be spoken about for decades to come. Thanks to your contribution of € 250 a year, the festival can take on a leading position and make adventurous choices.

We gladly thank you for your support, with

·       priority at ticket sales, this year from 18 March,
·       € 5 discount on every first ticket for each show and € 2,50 discount on
        every next ticket for the same show*,
·       inclusion of your name (if so desired) on the website,
·       an invitation for yourself and a guest to:
        -        the festive launch of the programme in spring,
        -        the festive reception after the opening performance, if you have ordered
                 tickets for this show,
        -        a backstage tour,
        -        the Friends performance (at your own expense) and drinks afterwards, and
        -        the festive After-Summer Reception.

* Certain shows are excluded from this offer: productions by Dutch National Opera, Dutch National Ballet, Atlas Orkest, When We Were Trees.
The price per ticket, including the discount, may not drop below € 15.

Donating to a cultural institution or charity
Holland Festival has the status of a cultural ANBI*. A donation to an organisation with an ANBI status can be deducted from taxable income as a gift. The amount that you are permitted to deduct depends on the type and size of the gift. Good to know: gifts to several organisations with an ANBI status can be added together. Use this calculator to look at the fiscal benefit in your specific situation.

* Public Benefit Organisation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling)

Read more: Fiscal benefits and Giving Act (Geefwet)

join now

Stef Paijens
tel. 020 - 788 21 14
email [email protected]

Julius Ansenk
Harold Ansink*
Nigel Bagley and Lorraine Dean
Lodewijk Baljon and Ineke Hellingman
Ilonka van den Bercken

Pietro Bertazzi
Ellen Birnie
Co Bleeker*
Sara Bletz en Stephan Vorst
Femke Blokhuis
Jasper Bode
Mariëtte Bode
K. Bodon
Onno Bosma
Bart Breederveld
G. van Capelleveen

Danielle Caroline Cath
Marie Hélène Cornips and Dick Havenaar
Prof. Cees Dam
Henriette Daniels
J. Dekker
M. Doorman

Sylvia Dornseiffer
Mark Elstgeest
Ruud Emous
Monica Galer
Caroline van Gelderen
E. de Graaff- Van Meeteren
F. Grimmelikhuizen
D. Grobbe
Bureau Groen - Nicole Groen
Marc van Gulik
Ann van der Haven
Annelies Heidstra and Renze Hasper
Hagar Heijmans
B. Heijse and A.M. Heijse-Verbeek
Servaas Hensen
G. van Heteren
L. van Heteren
Julie Heyning - van Maanen
Fina Hilverts
S. Hodes
J. Hopman
J. Houtman
E. Hummelen
P. Jochems
Jan de Kater
R. Katwijk
Ytha Kempkes
Sue der Kinderen
Sander & Michiel
E. Kocken
Christine Koenigs
Aron Kovacs
E. de Kreij
Casper van der Kruk
Hilde Laffeber-Nicolaï
M. Le Poole
M. Leenaers
Annet Lekkerkerker
M. Levenbach
A. Ligeon
T. Lodder
R. Mackenzie

Ron Mandos
D. van der Meer
E. van der Meer-Blok
Christa Meindersma

Lonneke G.C. Mertens
Sija van Mourik
Marjon Nooter
Kay Bing Oen*
Maryke van Oordt-Jones
P. Price
J. Rammeloo
Jet de Ranitz
Wessel Reinink
Richard van Remmen

Peter Ruys
A. Schneider
H. Schnitzler
G. Scholten
Martita Slewe
P. Smit

Norman Smith
G. Smits
W. Sorgdrager and F. Lekkerkerker*
K. Spanjer
Frank and Judith Steeman
C.P.-M.H.-L. Tegelaar
A. Tjoa
M. Tjoe-Nij
Y. Tomberg
David van Traa
Tamara Trotman
Frank Uffen
M. Verhoeff-Neef
Marie-Christine Vink
Truus Visser
A. van Vliet
M.M. de Vos van Steenwijk

Wieneke van de Vrede
A. Wertheim
Willem Wester
E. E. Wolf and M. E. Otte
Michiel en Shirley van Wulfften Palthe
M. Yazdanbakhsh
M.J. Zomer
P. van Zwieten and N. Aarnink
Benefactors who wish to stay anonymous.

* extra contribution