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As an Admirer, you become a Friend of Holland Festival with any contribution that starts at € 55. With your support, the festival can present iconic shows that will be spoken about for decades to come.

We will gladly thank you for your support, with

·       priority at ticket sales, this year from 25 March,
·       € 5 discount on every first ticket for each show and € 2,50 discount on every next ticket for the same show*.

* Certain shows are excluded from this offer: productions by Dutch National Opera, Dutch National Ballet, Atlas Orkest, When We Were Trees.

  The price per ticket, including the discount, may not drop below € 15.

Donating to a cultural institution or charity
Holland Festival has the status of a cultural ANBI*. A donation to an organisation with an ANBI status can be deducted from taxable income as a gift. The amount that you are permitted to deduct depends on the type and size of the gift. Good to know: gifts to several organisations with an ANBI status can be added together. Use this calculator to look at the fiscal benefit in your specific situation.

* Public Benefit Organisation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling)

Read more: Fiscal benefits and Giving Act (Geefwet)

join now

Stef Paijens
tel. 020 - 788 21 14
e-mail [email protected]