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Arnoud Noordegraaf’s multimedia performance A.M. for soprano, four instruments and video installation was inspired by Tokyo and the novels of Haruki Murakami. An Angel of the Night, Japanesesoprano Mikae Natsuyama guides us through the video story of a boy and a girl searching for their identities on a magical night in Tokyo, where they meet, part, then find each other again.Noordegraaf uses a broad spectrum of tone colours, city sounds and samples of Japanese night club music to evoke the elusive magic of this magnetic city. The video tells the story from various angles, shown simultaneously on multiple screens in a special Holland Festival version with live music.

  • © Arnoud Noordegraaf

  • © Arnoud Noordegraaf

  • © Arnoud Noordegraaf


composition Arnoud Noordegraaf direction Arnoud Noordegraaf soprano Mikae Natsuyama violin Marleen Wester clarinet Michel Marang trombone Koen Kaptijn double bass Jelte van Andel sound tracks percussie en stadsgeluiden scenario Adrian Hornsby, Arnoud Noordegraaf libretto Adrian Hornsby, Arnoud Noordegraaf set design Bart Visser technique Bart Visser, Kees van Zelst film production Tokyo Jeremy Harley, Eijun Sugihara camera Rick Stout actor Mariko Tsuboi, Tetsuro Takei thanks to Mayumi Hirano, Yuki Kosuge dramaturgical consultant Marijn van der Jagt production Roland Spekle voor Barooni in participation with November Music with the support of STEIM, Smart Project Space, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, SNS REAAL Fonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst

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